Next Facebook Live Sale Wednesday March 05 @ 6pm AEST QLD
What is shadow work? Well, it bringing to light all that you have been supressing, either on a conscious or unconscious level and bringing it all up so it can be healed and released.
Living in a society where the social norm is to be ‘perfect’ this way and that way and you must live here or look a certain way form limiting negative type program that forms patterns in the way we think.
The truth is that to accept ourselves and unconditionally love ourselves can be difficult because we are given reasons through social media, movies, and people in general every reason why we should not love ourselves, weight and looks being some of the biggest targets.
This is where shadow work is useful for those that are ready to dive deep into their own traumas and emotions to get to the root of the cause and sit with these emotions until you finally come out the other side. Feeling compassion, forgiveness for all involved or whatever the emotions are and know that behind your story there are other stories that assisted in the creation of yours.
It is a full understanding of not only yourself and your past actions etc but also understanding outside of your own story too.
It is the deepest work that can be done and when you are ready. The difference alone that you will feel energetically, emotionally, mentally working through the layers of release will enhance a feeling of love within yourself, for others, you will feel lighter and find all areas of your life will improve bit by bit.
Have patience for yourself and love and honour yourself through this process and know you are love and deserve love.
Other stone that would be beneficial to support you with these transformational stones below are any self-love and calming stones to facilitate your inner healing process.
- Labradorite – radiating a soft energy that helps us illuminate our inner truth of what we have been suppressing and reveals hidden patterns, anxiety, and pain from trauma.
- Obsidian – works like a mirror to our soul and exposes our inner truth and real form that can also come from ancestral trauma that passed been passed on.
- Tourmaline – alleviates fears and anger that may come from energies and past traumatic memories imprinted in your shadow.
- Mystic merlinite – known as a light and dark stone that invites you to discover the deeper and darker parts of your being.
- Moldavite – a transformational stone that goes to work on clearing and releasing your most painful traumas and shines a bright light towards where you most need healing.
- Auralite a high vibrational stone that supports you through this process in many ways while it destroys the ‘old’ and rebuilds the ‘new’.