Root Chakra

Colour – Red
1st Chakra

The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the colour Red.


Root Chakra or Base Chakra

Is exactly that, the foundation of our lightbody and energetic individual Blueprint.

When our Root Chakra is open, we have a strong sense of our self-worth, ethics and virtues and embrace this despite other intimidations to lower them. If our life is lived in a way where our values, our sense of security and stability and wellbeing is not taken away through intimidation, or a feeling of being bullied, we are aligned to our path. When we must change who we are, our beliefs etc to receive then our Root Chakra may be blocked as our self-worth is lacking.

Standing in our light and sovereignty to all that is aligned to us strengthens our foundations both physically and energetically which allows an organic flow within our life. It supplies life energy to our body, soul, and spirit where we feel abundance, joy, and stability and with a knowing that we are fully supported.

“When we are aligned and authentic within and throughout our life, we are unbreakable and unseeable to those that are not”

Signals from Your Root Chakra

Signs of a blocked root chakra

Lack of focus




Feeling disconnected to others

Feeling resentment and inability to let it go


Feeling judged

Signs of an open root chakra

Alignment within all aspects of your life

Feel contentment within

Stable and natural flow state

All Experiences are gifts for a higher understanding.

Feeling connected to all, as we are one

Embrace life choices in every moment as an experience to learn

Make conscious choices with innerstanding

Remaining who you are regardless of the path

Questions for yourself

1. Do I stress and worry about the unknown?

2. Do I have more regrets than satisfaction with my choices? (why)

3. Am I comfortable in my own skin?

How To Use Crystals With Chakras