🪷🔮 My energy is sacred My crystals are chosen with love

Colour – Green
4th Chakra
The Heart Chakra is located in the middle of the upper chest and is associated with the colour green.
Main energy centre of love, compassion, and acceptance for all, and is one of the main keys to our own spiritual evolution and ascension.
When our Heart Chakra is open, we feel love and compassion for all that exist on this earthly plane. That everyone has a story within their own unique experience and with that brings different perceptions of reality. Understanding that we all may not share the same opinion or thoughts and that’s ok.
Feeling comfortable within yourself and loving all of you in a world where you are constantly being criticized for not having enough, or being enough is something to behold. To be able to let go and surrender to others opinion and stay in your own lane as those that judge have a story too.
In loving all of who we are even our past mistakes and versions of ourselves (gifts for change) are we able to love another as deeply as we love ourselves.
“You can only be met at a depth by another, by the same depth you meet yourself”
Dwelling on past issues of the heart
Trust issues
Low self esteem
Bottled up emotions
Struggle with commitment
Push people away that get close
Unwilling to take the next step
Moving forward with higher understanding
Feeling safe and empowered in all my choices
Feeling content within and throughout my life and myself
Express myself freely and authentically
Commit to all interactions fully and wholly
Open up to all possibilities of love and connection
Surrender to the unknown
1. Do I trust others more than myself? (why)
2. Who usually breaks up in your past relationships? (Is there a pattern and why)
3. Am I able to give and also receive easily? (Which aspects)
Aventurine | Pink Amethyst | Bloodstone | Chrysocolla | Chrysoprase | Emerald | Garnet | Green Fluorite | Jade | K2 Jasper | Kunzite | Lapis Lazuli | Malachite | Moldavite | Ocean Jasper | Onyx | Peridot | Pietersite | Rhodochrosite | Rhodonite | Rose Quartz | Ruby | Scolecite | Sphalerite | Strawberry Quartz | Tangerine Quartz | Vivianite
Knowing which chakra you wish to work on will help you to narrow down your selection.
For beginners gather your crystals for the corresponding chakra colour and lay them out in any fashion.
Close your eyes and run your hands over your crystals slowly, feel the sensations in your hands and feel into your emotions, and wait until you feel a yes within your hands or another part of your body. You will know what this feels like when it happens.
Open your eyes and look at the crystal that you received a yes for. Pick it up and see if it still feels like a yes, if yes fantastic! If no repeat the process until you feel right about your selection.
You can also use a pendulum, or you might already know which crystal you would like to try working with.
Hold your chosen crystal in your hand and bring to your heart centre or your third eye. Connect to your crystal with your mind and ask it to be in service to you for your highest good.
I also like to speak out loud to my crystal and say, “I invoke your spark of divinity within”
You could try this or any words that feel right to you. Feel into your body again and see if the crystal speaks back to you!
Place your crystal on or near your chakra which is connected to that crystal or hold it in your hand with your intention. Either way is fine, and your intuition is enough to guide you through, so have faith and trust in yourself within this process.
Clear your mind, ground in your energy, and sit or lie with the crystal and just allow all to surface.
Imagine the chakra energy centre within your body. Try to visualise which way it is turning, if you don’t think it is moving try to visualise what may be stopping it from turning – is it an object? Is it a patch or density with little form? It could even just be a feeling of something there with no visuals.
It could feel cloudy, or it could feel fantastic.
An organic flow of emotions, feelings and thoughts, or even memories will surface bit by bit. The more you connect in the deeper you will go each time into revealing more and more about you and what is surfacing for release. Clarity and understanding are enhanced whilst a lot of emotions could stir up so be kind to yourself through this and take your time. Allow a natural state to occur in all aspects.
Connect in with your crystal when you are ready and ask it to assist with the removal of whatever arises for you. Visualise in your mind the process of how your chosen crystal is helping you. This could look like anything to you, there is no right and no wrong way to do this process.
When you can see or feel the removal process taking place ask your crystal and your higher self to assist with transmuting anything inorganic or not of 100% light back to source.
This by no means is any form of medical advice for any of these symptoms, this is a spiritual guide for you to feel into yourself and discover your own inner answers.