Next Facebook Live Sale Wednesday February 26 @ 6pm AEST QLD
Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra
One of my favourite crystals, I have a little disk that I carry in pocket most days!
It could be because I resonate with Peru and Shamans as Prehnite is often known as the Healers stone and the other reason is because its energy feels so good and comforting and I feel the balance it brings within me.
Connected to the heart and solar plexus chakra will bring in a stronger I AM energy within you, meaning you embrace more and more of you that you may not have before. It encourages you to remember that you are Divine perfection and perfect exactly as you are and who you are.
Clearing and activating your solar plexus elevates your self-worth and personal power where you feel a stronger sense in who you are in every aspect of your life without second guessing which we all sometimes do.
Clearing and activating the heart chakra and stripping away any emotions that have been blocking certain aspects of love in life and within. Bringing in the feeling of care and compassion and opening your heart as it is safe to do so.
Now when these 2 chakras are working in unison, you’re not only feeling expansion but self-empowerment and owning the very essence of who you are whether it is your beliefs, lifestyle or emotions. What you feel and how you live your life has nothing to do with anyone else and only to do with you.
Clarity is heightened as you embrace more of you and your intuition is growing and guiding you more and more into alignment to your soul path. The path that is for the highest good for you and all.
Prehnite and Epidote illuminates that of which you already are so you can embrace that of which you have always been.
Divine Perfection!