Next Facebook Live Sale Wednesday February 19 @ 6pm AEST QLD
Sphalerite – Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Root Chakra
Sphalerite is all about energy and balance.
Connected to the lower 3 chakras, Sphalerite assists in cleansing and activating these chakras and energy centres of the body where we mostly keep a lot of stored pain and memories unconsciously. Any energy blocks you have in these areas will be bought to your attention either with thoughts, dreams or meditation and have surfaced to be released and let go of. It’s time to reclaim you and move through any obstacles and unleash your divine warrior spirit.
Through this process the more you release the more Sphalerite floods your auric field with light and raises your vibration which inherently raises your intuition and brings in more clarity. It truly is a transformational stone that aligns, balances and centres your subtle bodies.
You will begin perceiving life through yourself with a whole different meaning and perspective and be able to have the clarity and calmness with yourself to align further to your highest and aligned path being guided by your soul intention.
You will see the change, feel the change and be the change that you once wanted for the world is now radiating within you and around you.