Let’s look at our main Chakra System or Hara Line which is the vertical central column the 7 Chakras our located on.
Think of these energy centres as portals or gateways of understanding more about you within and throughout. They are part of our Subtle energy body, the part of you that is unseen but felt, and are the connection points of the energy points which are part of the Nadial System.
Our Nadi’s are the channels in which our life force or Prana moves or circulates, and if one or more are blocked this can cause a ripple effect in our life on a deep level. Our moods, emotions and connection to people and ourselves are all connected to the energy flow within our Chakra column.
I mentioned earlier that our Chakra System acts a gateway/portal and what I mean by that is, when they are clear, and energy is flowing freely only then are we able to access deeper parts of our existence. The all that we are which is vast and infinite.
Our connection to ourselves is a mirrored connection we have with the way we view the world and our perception of it, and this comes down to our frequency.
Our frequency is measured by how much or how little we hold on to emotionally and, in all aspects really.
When we feel light and unscathed by the world, by others’ opinions and embrace the world and all its experiences as gifts, our frequency will be higher than those that get caught up in the 3D human experience.
When I say 3D I mean when we have feelings that can alter or change the way we present and feel in this human experience towards ourselves and others.
Feelings of jealousy, anger, rage etc are all lower vibrational frequencies that are attached to a past experience you have not released through understanding. So, the emotion that was attached to a past experience will re-create itself over and over through different experiences until it is released. These emotions are trapped energy within specific Chakras which cause a blockage and show itself within your everyday life until you spotlight and understand why it’s there.
Our Chakra System is a gift, our navigational map of knowing ourselves on a deep conscious level. It’s our shovel in the Crystal mine of all that we are which is infinite.
Crystals can be used to access parts and aspects that have created your emotions and experiences of all that you are through your Chakra system. Connecting an aligned crystal to a specific Chakra through your own intentions can open the door to stored information and energy that you are holding on to.
They can also be used to extract any negative energy or anything that is inorganic held within your subtle bodies and energy centres.
Accessing the unconscious mind and activating your energy centres through crystals can not only raise your frequency and vibration but change your life and perception of how you move through this human experience.
No longer will you see yourself as what you have been told but rather what you are. A Multi-dimensional being of light having a human experience.
“The level of how deep you want to journey into your own inner self is what will shape your individual reality and experience”
How deep will you go????