A Word On Skulls

A Word On Skulls

    Skulls are one of those carvings I think you either love, dislike or curious about them, let alone being curious about those that are attracted to them. 

    I have to say I was one of those people that didn’t like them at all and yet reflecting on the reasoning why I couldn’t put my finger on it. I mean the Skulls we purchase in are carved exceptionally well and mostly by our Master Carver. The jaw line is defined, the proportions are in alignment with the rest of its face and the chosen crystal to be used for each carving is amazing quality.  

    So, what was it that sort of irked me a little in the beginning for me not wanting to like them? 

    Well, I’ll have you know my personal answer came to me in an aha moment when Niome and I were talking to one of our beautiful crystal friends when she called to thank us for her delivery.  

    I realised in the middle of the conversation we were having which was about skulls and our connection to them that it dawned on me… I connected skulls to death. Now what I mean when I say death is I feel that I have experienced death with loved one’s family and friends quite a lot earlier in life which had such an impact emotionally on me for quite some time that they reminded me of that hurt and sadness. Especially my brothers passing.  

    I sat with this feeling only for a moment and then I remember when my viewpoint started to shift about skulls which I believe is connected to my emotional healing was at MBS in Brisbane 3yrs ago.   

    A dear older lady came up to our stall randomly to deliver a msg from a loved one which I believe was my brother Martin. Now our stall set up was a corner position and right in the corner was a rather large set up of skulls of all varieties which were mostly all chosen by Niome at the time. Anyway, this dear old lady said a few lovely things to me and then said there is a masculine energy standing right here in front of the skulls. She said he was connected to me, and she said he is proud of you, and he loves you.

    Tears rolled down my cheeks and flashbacks suddenly came from the depth of my internal abyss of memories that have not made their way to the surface for a very long time. The Flashbacks were of one of my brother Martin’s tattoos which was of a skull. He loved his tattoos like I love my tattoos and yet I forgot this aspect about him until this lovely stranger parted with words that brought in a deeper healing for me to understand that this was still raw and relevant and needed my attention.  

    The lady left after we hugged, and I stood there amid such a busy day with customers all around and remember thinking Martin would absolutely love our crystal skulls, and I felt that on such a deep level. He would have probably been one of our best customers I reckon.  

    From that point on my love for skulls grew and grew, as not only did I realise why I didn’t at first take to them, but now I love them even more because I gave myself permission to do so without any emotional attachments and felt Martin so strongly in that moment of time.  

    Now I know this is my story only and its meaning is merely a drop in the ocean compared to so many other stories or feelings that you may have when it comes to skulls. However, I did want to share this with you as I feel it's thought provoking and perhaps you may recognise some of these same feelings that reside within you? Who knows but what I do know is that it’s quite extraordinary how this aspect of my life unfolded and healed just a little more by a random stranger stopping to have a chat with me.  

    The truth is only yours to understand and for me skulls hold such a significant energy for me which I feel rippling through me when I connect to specific ones. I used to think is it the crystal or is it the skull? And I realise that it’s the perfect combination of why that specific crystal piece was even chosen to be carved into a skull in the first place. It’s Divine timing on such a deep level that it's magic. And that’s what I feel from the skulls I resonate with, and skulls that are bought for specific people so to speak, I feel them too. It’s an undeniable conversation of the divine that cannot be heard but only felt.  

    It’s like meeting an old friend when you connect with a skull that has literally been carved for you, even if you don’t realise it at the time, it’s a match made to amplify and activate your journey.  

    If skulls are still not your “thing” I implore you to connect with even just the words within this blog about skulls and my journey and see what surfaces for you, then ask was it the skulls or was it my story, or both?  

    I’ll leave it here for you to interpret!