The Violet Ray Magic of Amethyst

The Violet Ray Magic of Amethyst

    💜 Some might say that Amethyst is one of the more common crystals that everyone knows, which could lead you to feel a diminished sense of its magical qualities. Do you know what I mean? I have to say, many years ago, I too wasn’t particularly moved by Amethyst because it was so common, and I realize now that I was just connected to other people’s perceptions of it.

    Here’s the thing about Amethyst that I’ve learned as a crystal collector and as the owner of a crystal business—it’s not all about me… lol. Amethyst is like a silent hand that has been guiding us the more we’ve bought it. The ideas and feelings attached to Amethyst were diminishing the more Niome and I stood in our own light. We literally felt a shift in the energy of what Amethyst is known for: a stone of peace and sobriety.

    No, that doesn’t mean we’ve started drinking Bacardi on the Amethyst rocks on a beach in Mexico, but rather, we’ve been releasing those addictive thought patterns or ways of thinking that are inorganic and linked to our own selves. This release of ideals from our energy isn’t just about Amethyst; it’s merely a drop in the ocean of what was to come when we began letting it all go.

    Now, Niome and I choose crystals that we love—whether they are well-known, obscure, beautiful, or unique. In the early days of our business, Amethyst was rare for us in terms of availability. However, as our business has grown, so have our suppliers and contacts, which has been a game changer for our Amethyst stock levels. The endless variety of formations and colors from Brazil, Uruguay, and even Australia has expanded our collection.

    The more beautiful Amethyst that enters our field and that we buy, the more our perception of it has changed.

    An increased sense of calm has come into our lives, and I say this because, in the last six months, we’ve bought more Amethyst than ever before. In alignment with this, we’ve also felt a huge personal and business shift—a move towards a more authentic expression of life, love, and everything in between. We’re narrowing the gap between thought and action, allowing more of an eternal dance through organic actions.

    Could this unfolding of events, which seems to be aligning with our Amethyst stock, be just a coincidence, or could it be the powerful energy of Amethyst?

    One thing I am certain of is that there is no such thing as a coincidence. My understanding of our own magic, inner standing, divine guidance, or intuition tells me that there are signs all around us all the time. Whether it’s birds chirping, a light breeze touching your skin, or any number of things happening around us, the question is: are we present enough to notice these signs? We are often so busy and consumed by our never-ending list of things to do that experiencing the moment can seem far-fetched.

    So, when I say there are always signs around us, you can see how they might be missed when we’re always so busy.

    This is what Amethyst has awakened in Niome and me over the last few months. We’ve pulled back ever so slightly to make time to just "be" on the weekends. We’ve changed our business schedules and deprogrammed ourselves to make time to be more present.

    We’ve even booked a holiday for the first time since we started our business because we know the power of downtime and the regeneration of our nervous systems through honoring our mind, body, and soul with relaxation when needed.

    When I think of Amethyst now, I think of what I call the "rubberband effect," where you feel like you’re drifting behind and all those feelings of needing to do this or that eventually just stop once you let go. Knowing that to truly let go, you need to embrace the love and honor yourself by taking a break, a rest, or, for us, a holiday.

    To surrender is such a significant spiritual initiation of trusting your own divine path and intuition. Once embraced, the magic happens when you return to "normality" or back to your life, so to speak. Niome and I have experienced this together and individually when we’ve honored ourselves. It’s like all those puzzle pieces of life suddenly fall into place. The times in the past when you tried to force them into a certain space, and it just didn’t feel right, suddenly it does.

    The organic unfolding and alignment is the magic of Amethyst. It brings a sense of calm to your sleep, your work, and any time, really, as it adjusts and adapts to what you need at any given moment.

    So, if you’re feeling a little stressed or like you don’t have enough time, allow Amethyst into your life as a little lifestyle companion. Let its soothing and tranquil energy hold your hand through the ebbs and flows of life, knowing that it has your back. Know that you are safe and supported.

    When your sleep is tranquil, your mornings will be lighter energetically, and clarity will be heightened for your daily tasks and what is needed from you first.

    Take the first step toward a more aligned and divine path of inner expansion and allow Amethyst to bring its calming energies into your life and environment. 💜