🔮 Nirvana Quartz
You know I was never one for seeing the glass half empty. In fact, even if the glass were exactly half filled, I would still see so much more than just half. 🥛
I would not say I was oblivious to situations in my life or even that I had my head in the sand about some things. And it is not that I even turned a blind eye or pretended that something did not exist or did exist to make myself or another feel better. 😶
I have felt and seen so much in my life, and I have to say I knew what was meant for now and what is meant for later. You could even sing the next line with me - “you gotta know when to hold them, know when to fold them”
If I ever had a superpower other than what I already do know it is the understanding that every single situation and experience in one's life happens exactly when it was meant to happen. There is also an infinite number of paths one can take if you are looking to the future and this will only be navigated by the actions you take each time. As let's face it everything is connected from thoughts to understanding to experience and outcomes of circumstances. If you did not do a particular thing one way, then you may have experienced something differently and have a different outcome.
In the end we all make small little choices that can affect larger choices in the future and well I guess where this is where Nirvana Quartz comes into it.
Alright, alright I can hear you all saying finally she is starting to get to the point or any point for that matter, hopefully a crystal point soon!
💎 Welcome to the stage Nirvana Quartz. Now what I do know is that crystals go where they are needing to go at any one given moment in time. There is no denying this, as it is what it is. Deep down the higher aspect of yourself is pulling in experiences, people and even crystals into your field that they know will create a ripple or shift in your perception where healing occurs.
Now if you have been on your inner journey for a while then you will know that healing takes many forms and sometimes it is not plain as day. Sometimes it is as dark as the night sky. It’s whatever your higher self thinks necessary that will bring in change for the highest of your journey and path.
Nirvana Quartz is the tool, the teacher, and the student all in one to support you through this unravelling, or deep deep journeying that you know feels a little different this time around.
You know on a collective level if you have friends, work colleagues and even family all feeling the same way to a degree then there is a huge planetary shift occurring. Otherwise, you could put that down to a massive, big coincidence and wing it through and perhaps there is a lesson to be learnt from each experience you choose after that.
In my reality and my current perception, I do believe there is a vibration occurring on a planetary level that is so strong and so loud that it can only be felt, and how we feel this type of energy or vibration is purely up to our perception at the time.
Tell me how have you been feeling lately within?
I know I've been feeling every emotion every day to the degree I feel like I'm in Melbourne and experiencing every season in one day. It is quite remarkable actually and I know I am not the only one.
I believe Nirvana Quartz has come in as a support tool to bring balance and harmony to my own energetic field and assist in stabilizing my emotions. You see I've made some huge choices in my life recently, choices which are a little overdue however perfectly timed for me right now. Many people I know have also made these same choices organically, so would you consider that something is going on at such a larger level?
Things I have changed have been giving up smoking, started walking in the mornings, changed my diet, not social drinking anymore 🍹 and have cut some favourite snacks out. (I have to say I love potato chips; there I said it) 🍟
All this has been happening the last few months and I have to say I am super proud of all that I have achieved so far, but to be honest sometimes that is not enough. I’m moving through the emotions of letting go of having a ciggie if I feel too much of one emotion or another, moving through the old Friday night end of work few drinks that has always been a part of my life.
Moving through the little chocolates and crisps I would have on the weekend because “why not”
You see these emotions and feelings that existed when I decided to take up smoking (at 32 BTW) they were no longer there, but the habit and addiction was still there.
The typical reward for working a week then having a few drinks was one of my faves and highlights, as I worked in hospitality for over a decade from the age of 16 and it was just the normal thing to do.
This habit of course carried on long after my hospitality days were over and then it was classified as having a night on the town or letting my hair down.
I’m sure you know what I am talking about on many levels and perhaps it's not even something that seems like much right now to you. However, for me this feels like an initiation and another step closer to feeling at one with myself again. Nirvana Quartz has been whispering to me for a while and not so long ago it started becoming louder, and then suddenly it became available for the first time to purchase.
I believe it has come into Divine Crystal Hearts awareness and field for so many reasons, and if you have read this far then you could be one of the reasons. You see Nirvana Quartz is about letting go of all that is not aligned to you or for you. It's about releasing all that is inorganic and that is not here for your highest road and highest journey. 💚
Nirvana Quartz is here to bring support and stability to all who are trying to navigate through some challenging times right now and many we know are experiencing a lot. Nothing ever just happens in life, there is always a sequence of events leading up to some pivotal points in your life. I know once I really recognized this and became more present and aware of cause and effect, light and dark, it bought in more peace. It made me see that we are fully in charge of our lives and how we experience it. And although some things are out of our hands when it comes to some experiences, how we move through these times and how we perceive them through our own understanding at the time will inevitably create our future experiences.
Does this make sense?
To break down my experience right now - I believe I'm moving through the aftereffects of having a distraction or emotional physical vice that in the end shut down and lessened some of my emotions because of trauma and pain.
I believe I'm moving through something quite big when it comes to a key aspect of my life and happiness, and how it has been and why and what it is like now. I believe I'm feeling into emotions on the deepest level that I have ever possibly in this lifetime, because I really have had distractions and vices in one form or another for as long as I can remember. These same emotions have been dormant as they were a reminder of specific times in my life when everything felt difficult, hard, or even sad.
Nirvana Quartz has been that little pocket tool that has been with me the whole time through my tears, my anger and my memories that have been resurfacing the last few months. I believe that Nirvana Quartz has helped me find my voice and activate my inner voice through writing, and has helped me to share my story with you today, and I hope that you find solace in my words and know you are not alone.
These times right now are a gift, but only if you are willing to make a sacrifice of all that is no longer needed, and is no longer required in your earth story.
It's time to give yourself permission to just be, to just relax, to just speak your truth and to just be yourself.
The energy, the vibration of our planet is humming at a faster and much stronger rate than we have previously experienced before. To hum along with this same frequency, we must embrace this frequency as our own. To be able to hear your own unique energetic frequency and tone, then you must embrace Taylor Swift’s words and “Shake it Off” through deep inner exploration.
Allow Nirvana Quartz to light your inner glow and harmonize with your energy to create the change you need to move forward from all that holds you back. Allow Nirvana Quartz to activate your inner guide or your higher self to show you the way, and if it feels aligned then embrace what you feel as in the end only you know the way, which is your way.
Embrace the idea that we all have different ways and that is ok, as we are all unique sparks of divine energy creating our experience as we go. ✨🌈🩵